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Summarize the properties of representative trajectories returned by retra_edr() or define_retra()


# S3 method for RETRA
summary(object, ...)



An object of class RETRA.


(not used)


Data frame with nine columns and one row for each representative trajectory in object. The columns in the returned data frame contain the following information:


Identifier of the representative trajectories.


Number of states forming each representative trajectory.


Sum of the dissimilarities in d between every pair of consecutive states forming the representative trajectories.


Mean value of the dissimilarities between consecutive states of the representative trajectories that do not belong to the same ecological trajectory or site (i.e., artificial links).


Sum of the dissimilarities between consecutive states of the representative trajectories that do not belong to the same ecological trajectory or site (i.e., artificial links).


Mean value of the number of segments represented by each segment of the representative trajectory (excluding artificial links).


Maximum number of segments represented by at least one of the segments of the representative trajectory (excluding artificial links).


Mean value of the k-d tree depths, that is, the number of partitions of the ordination space until finding a region with minSegs segments or less.


Maximum depth in the k-d tree, that is, the number of partitions of the ordination space until finding a region with minSegs segments or less.

See also

retra_edr() for identifying representative trajectories in EDRs applying RETRA-EDR.

define_retra() for generating an object of class RETRA from trajectory features.


# Apply RETRA-EDR to identify representative trajectories
d = EDR_data$EDR1$state_dissim
trajectories = EDR_data$EDR1$abundance$traj
states = EDR_data$EDR1$abundance$state
RT <- retra_edr(d = d, trajectories = trajectories, states = states, minSegs = 5)

# Summarize the properties of the representative trajectories in a data frame
#>    ID Size    Length   Avg_link  Sum_link Avg_density Max_density Avg_depth
#> T1 T1    3 0.2669408         NA        NA    6.500000           7  4.500000
#> T2 T2   15 0.9270207 0.05244879 0.3146927    7.125000           9  5.125000
#> T3 T3   13 0.6756596 0.04291652 0.2145826    7.428571           9  5.285714
#>    Max_depth
#> T1         5
#> T2         7
#> T3         7